
Welcome to our GRK 1896 Homepage!

The doctoral program GRK 1896 “In situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-rays and Scanning Probes” combines, for the first time, three pillars of nanocharacterization into a structured research training group. The main objective of this program is to provide the next generation of scientists and engineers with comprehensive, method-spanning and interdisciplinary training in the application of cutting-edge nanocharacterization tools to materials and device development. Our PhD candidates are well-positioned in a network of international collaborations and highly trained in multiple, complementary techniques, providing them with an essential foundation for a successful career in the field of advanced materials and devices development.

The final GRK Symposium, which took place on the 23rd and 24th of June 2022, hosted a well-balanced mixture of talks given by the GRK PhDs, former GRK members and external speakers. The symposium nicely reflects the variety of scientific topics ranging from thin films, nano and energy materials to s...

Category: Allgemein

Crystals are not necessarily hard and resistant but also occur in soft matter when weakly bound molecules arrange in a regular order. Such organic crystals are widespread in pharmaceuticals products, but also occur as tiny nanocrystals in the active layer of organic solar cells. Here, the organic na...

Category: Allgemein

In a recent paper published in Ultramicroscopy (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2022.113494) by researchers from the GRK projects A2, A1, and Z, together with Fraunhofer IISB, and DENSsolutions, sub-Kelvin accuracy temperature measurement was demonstrated during in operando analysis of an in situ...

Category: Allgemein

The PhD defence of GRK member Mr. Janis Wirth took place on 22. Dec. 2021, partly virtual (online) due to the current regulations. With his comprehensive work “Scale-bridging correlative 3D microscopy methods to unravel the complex 3D microstructure of porous materials“, he has been awarded the titl...

Category: Allgemein