Soft skills for GRK 1896 members: “Scientific Integrity – An introduction to good scientific practice”
On November 22, 2018 Dr. Christian Schmitt-Engel (FAU graduate center gave a soft skill seminar about “Scientific Integrity – An introduction to good scientific practice” to the members of the GRK 1896. The all-day workshop addressed three main objectives:
- Doctoral researchers know where they can find information on good research practice and know the main regulatory documents.
- Doctoral candidates know the ethical basis of scientific integrity, are sensitized for the topic and capable to discuss aspects of good research practice with their supervisors.
- Doctoral candidates know the basic principles of good scientific practice regarding supervision, data documentation, authorship and citation/plagiarism.
The seminar was shaped by intense guided discussions between the participants on the basis provided by Dr. Schmitt-Engels.
Because of the high relevance of this topic, the attendance of a seminar about good scientific practice is mandatory for GRK PhD candidates at the beginning of their scientific career.