GRK 1896 Spring School in Pommelsbrunn (Franconia)
This year’s GRK school took place from the 18th to 20th of March in Pommelsbrunn. The school was dedicated for the preparation of the upcoming GRK symposium “Correlative and in situ Microscopy in Materials Research” taking place at the DPG spring meeting (1st to 4th of April) in Regensburg. For that reason, the program started with a presentation skills workshop guided by Phillip Gründel ( The workshop focused on body language, the use of alternative media as well as hands-on training.
Under the influence of this new input, the GRK students practiced their DPG talks in front of 25 GRK members including 6 PI’s.
The program was complemented by an introduction into the german patent system given by Marco Mank (Referat F2) and social activities like a 13 km hike in the franconian switzerland hills surrounding Pommelsbrunn.